Friday night, I tried to satisfy the complaints of those who had recently brought to my attention how little I had been positing. In my defense, it is all about the lack of inspiration to be post with no one special to post for, in addition to really just not wanting the overt hounding or attention, being very shy lately. I'm just not wanting to hear certain things from some people when it is other things from other people I want. But I surrendered and needed something to take pictures of anyway.

Saturday I watched multiple hours of Season 6 of Smallville and did laundry and just hung out in my house, which is getting better by the day. I'm excited about it and it's cool to be making so much progress. It's weird to think back when I broke my arm on Halloween 2 years ago and how I was in the middle of some big closet reorg, and now I have a storage space and my life is on a path to organization and adulthood. It's awesome. I have been making my bed and putting the dirty clothes in the basket, hanging up towels and my robe and actually putting away the clean laundry. We've been working through the random array of dishes that have compiled, but actually doing a good job of washing and rinsing things as we go. Each morning I have been folding the blankets, throwing out trash, tidying the living room and closing all closet doors, drawers and cabinets. It's really amazing. I ran into a neighbor today and we were talking about the cat, and for the first time I think ever, I wasn't afraid of maybe inviting her in if my cat wasn't such a nutcase. Everything was put away and cleaned up. I mean, there is still a ton to do and a lot of cleaning, but from where it was, we are miles. I've been having people over and am hoping to be less anxious about people in my space by making it a place that I think is great no matter what. And we are almost there. Wonderful. I ate cereal today because I had food and clean dishes. I've also been eating a lot of PB&J and tonight I had Macaroni and Cheese. It may seem simple to mention all these seemingly normal things, but in my life and world, these are monumental noteworthy things. As disturbing as that is. Eating out less, doing chores and working towards a presentable house is a really satisfying thing. Yay. A couple friends I hadn't seen since July came by and checked out the house and picked me up for dinner, capping the evening off with catching up and yummy food.

Sunday, I am just not even sure how to describe how craptastic the options of football that were presented to me and with great disappointment, I decided to find something else to do. I took some stuff to storage, grabbed some DVDs and coffee and then drove home along west cliff. It was just too beautiful to not find some place to pull over and eat my Blackberry Mango Muffin (crazy combo yum huh?) and drink my coffee and shoot some pics. So of course, it was the lighthouse, because I had second best parking karma and didn't have far to walk and it was just starting to swell for high tide, and there were plenty of surfers. I ended up taking this very cool panorama, which you should click for the full size version. It's not stitched fabulously, but it does rock good enough to be neat and now I know how to use that feature on my camera better.

Then, Monday was the most perfect fall day. After getting coffee at Lulu's and visiting and shooting the flags on the Veteran's Memorial building, Memorial Statue and Clock tower in rememberance of yesterday's observance of the holiday, I headed to Davenport Landing Beach. This fabulous little oasis of a place that I have discovered up Hwy 1 that takes over my previous favorite spot in Davenport is just gorgeous, and I sat and ate my bagel and watched the winter waves wear at the cliffs. There was even this really cool dog that decided to hang out with me for a bit. I then headed to the Tea House where they gave me extra time and during that extra few minutes, a hawk landed in their back enclosure and was one of the coolest things I've ever seen. It was super neat and ended off a really relaxing day and a full few days away from the grind of work.
Yay for a good weekend, and another full and exciting one coming with a packed, crazy busy week in between.
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